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Empowering teenagers with essential HIV information

Web-based game

Sea Monster helped HIVSA disseminate important information to young girls around social pressures and HIV.

Develop a game aimed at raising awareness and teaching South African youth about HIV risk behaviours.

As part of Choma, funded by the Charlize Theron Africa Outreach project, HIVSA wanted to introduce a game to their online Choma magazine and related real-world activities, targeting vulnerable girls between 15 – 25. that would help get difficult conversations started in a facilitated context.

Leveraging gaming as a tool for community learning.

We crafted a game in which users can create an avatar (self expression), set dreams (future orientation), and then watch these get held back by bad decisions like drinking, drugs and unsafe sex to better communicate the importance of agency and the consequences of personal decision making within the context of HIV.

The game was designed to be played in formal forums with others as a shared experience so that players could draw conclusions, and discuss together as a group.

Results last updated:
The team was very responsive and innovative in their approach. The game developed ticked all our boxes and represented a first for us and in our space, pushing the boundaries of what was possible.”
Jean Armstrong
Programme Manager, Sustainability
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