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FishFORCE: Bridge Inspection

Transforming fisheries training into a detective experience

Nelson Mandela University
Higher Education
Browser-based game

Sea Monster gamified fisheries training procedures to create an entertaining detective game for trainees.

Players must explore an environment and get scored on Critical Thinking, Diligence, and Curiosity.

Build a game to help trainees perform important ship inspections.

The FishFORCE are responsible for the protection of our precious oceans and marine resources. COVID-19 put a massive strain on the FishFORCE Academy’s ability to co-ordinate staff and provide adequate face-to-face training. An accessible, digital solution was needed to help trainees in remote areas.

Beyond the pandemic, FishFORCE also wanted to utilise technology to improve the efficiency of its operations.

Solve mysteries by roleplaying as a ship inspector!

We created a browser-based game to simulate at-port vessel inspections: a common and crucial part of a marine officer’s job.

Using “hidden object” game mechanics, players explore virtual fishing ships, inspect documents and interview crew members to look out for risks and violations.

Ultimately, the FishFORCE game serves to better equip fisheries control officers in their training and in the performance of their fight against fisheries crime along the coast of Southern Africa.

Results last updated:
I have found Sea Monster to be world class in many ways. From the outset, their engagement with us and throughout the project was professional. Their attention to detail and open lines of communication was exceptional.”
Michael de Lange
Chief Operating Officer: Centre for Law in Action and FishFORCE Academy
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