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Kinto Sky Drive

Gamifying assessment for Toyota's new value chain shifts

Toyota Kinto
Browser-based Game

Sea Monster helped Toyota deliver internal training in an effective and engaging way.

Through a choose-your-own-adventure story, set in a futuristic KINTO environment, players must navigate the unique needs of clients, tailored to the different offerings of Toyota's business.

Build a game to support product training for dealership employees

After the introduction of a new global product offering, Toyota wanted a digital companion game to be created in order to supplement their existing training programme.

In order to reinforce and test Toyota dealer’s understanding of their internal value chain, the game needed to provide a broad grading system to show supervisors how users performed.

Drive, engage, assess and learn.

We developed a bespoke browser game which took employees on a 'test drive' with a Toyota prototype vehicle. Set in the ambient, KINTO-themed 'Sky City', the player’s route through the futuristic metropolis was determined by responses to 'guest briefs' from characters looking for the right car deals.

Given the challenge to build a plan for each guest via a series of simple questions, employees could apply their knowledge and be evaluated on their accuracy. The game also encouraged users to empathise with their customers, and draw on their expertise to offer them the perfect plan.

This combination of skill testing and emotive engagement enabled Sky Drive to harmonise with the goals of Toyota’s overall training course, while providing a more enjoyable experience for its learners.

Average engagement time per session
Levels completed (either win or lose)
Full games successfully completed
Unique users successfully completed training
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